Selling Virtual Events

Written by GRS Education | 28-dic-2020 11.09.00

Virtual and hybrid events are going to remain the default offering for most exhibition businesses for some time and are likely to become a permanent component for many marketing plans. The problem is that there are tons of them around and many audiences and buyers are starting to get webinar fatigue.

That makes selling them very hard.

In this post we share a three-step process for selling virtual events in the most effective way:


1. Focus on the customer’s objectives

Marketers included your face-to-face events on their plan not because they were super fans, but because they saw it as a means for them to achieve their objectives.

If you want to sell your virtual event, you need to be 100% sure of what their marketing objectives are right now – only then you can position your event in the right way.


2. Teach about your audience

Ultimately, it’s your audience that the buyer is interested in-that is what you have that they need, so that’s where you should concentrate your efforts. Understand as much as you possibly can about your audience and use that to build a compelling business case. And don’t worry too much if your audience has shrunk since you’ve moved towards virtual. Flume Sales Training research suggests that when buyers consider which virtual event to invest in, they are increasingly concerned about the quality of that audience rather than its size.


3. Focus on the value

Do not undersell your virtual event just because your production costs have come down. Have a think about the value of branding and thought leadership to your client, and importantly, think about the value of great quality leads. Use the value of these elements to inform your pricing.

Take a look at the Selling events in a changed world Course